Using morale to dictate initiative at the beginning of a fight, players have to select their unit types and movements very carefully if they want to survive until the end. But battles are still game's primary focus with its chess-like approach to the art of war. The planning phase is no longer the placeholder between battles that it used to be. Army editing, spy tactics, and the usage of the training barracks will upgrade existing units abilities and knowledge even, and properly formatting your military will help shape your offensive and defensive strategies. Without an active recruiting regiment, your soldiers could fall behind in numbers and be overwhelmed or outmatched quicker than you'd expect. In that respect, it's incredibly important to exploit the relationships of your troops in order to get more officers to join your cause. Building armies, spending craft to learn additional skills, and figuring out the best way to approach your objectives is what this area of the game is all about - and it's ultimately what decides how prepared you'll be when the time for fighting arrives. Unlike the original game, however, Dynasty Tactics 2 has taken a more balanced approach towards dividing the two - making your decisions on the map far more influential to the outcome of a melee. Gameplay Much like the first Dynasty Tactics, Part 2 is broken up into two distinct types of play: Battle and planning. On the whole, it's definitely closer to Romance in terms of approach and philosophy, but its cinematic qualities and war-centric theme tries hard to achieve the best of both worlds.

It's a faster, more battle-oriented isometric experience when compared to its cousin Romance of the Three Kingdoms, while offering a lot more strategy and planning in contrast to the Dynasty Warriors series.

Obviously meant to fill the gaps between ROT3K and Dynasty Warriors, Tactics is the perfect middle child. Winner of the Reader's Choice Award for best strategy game in the 2002 IGN Game of the Year ceremonies, the original Dynasty Tactics has managed to gain quite a following already.