The manga itself is legendary and also appeals to people like me who aren’t interested in any pro-sports at all. It’s printed in the same format as the Dragonball equivalent, with some color pages as well.

I bought the 完全版 (complete edition) of the manga. It’s one of the most popular manga in Japan and when Japanese people had to vote for the most memorable quote from a manga, the Slam Dunk signature line “If you give up, the game is already over” made the first place. If you’re in search of some transparent book covers to wrap your manga, just click on the link! 1.) (Slam Dunk) Here we go, my second part of easy to read manga for Japanese beginners. If you don’t know where and how to buy Japanese manga, visit my guide on Where to buy Japanese manga. 03 without Furigana and Vol.04 with a mixed selection. 01 and if you want to continue your manga journey Vol. And yeah, so far it’s fun and that’s the most important thing when learning a new language, right?!ġ.) Easy to read manga for Japanese beginners – Vol. I always try to put down as many unknown words in my Anki deck as possible. I’ve been reading lots of Yotsubato within the last weeks and I could really notice how my reading ability in Japanese started to grow. I really don’t want you to miss out on all these really great books. Everyone who hasn’t already read the first part of my series about easy to read manga for Japanese beginners should definitely do so before starting here.