An Analysis Of Slang Found In Black Eyed Peas’song Lyrics.An Analysis Of Ontological Metaphor In Bob Dylan’s Songs.An Analysis Of Illocutionary Act Found In Donald Trump’s Speech About Jerusalem.An Analysis Of Code Mixing Applied By Three Indonesian International Student Vloggers On Youtube.A Study Of Women's Language Features And Functions In The Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show.In measuring level of similarity between ketwords and document use vector space model algorism with cosine similarity method. From the value calculation result with TF – IDF, the calculate value document similarity will undertaken. The pattern discovery phase is valuing phase. Text transformation exsited from filtering phase. Then, the stem result will analyzed with counting word value and suitable keywords. Text preprocessing phase existed from text cleaning and sentence fission to be words (tokenizing) so that be a steam. Text mining technique has three important phase that is : text preprocessing, text transformation, and pattern discovery. This reseach uses text mining technique with vector space model algorism to measuring similarity seacrh result toward document. And expected to help the user in find information with suitable the order. The development of web technology gives convinience in accessing and searching content that relate with encyclopedia content.

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